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Growth seeks to be intelligent.

Growth seeks to be intelligent.

Many companies are glad about robust growth spurts, yet they also suffer when faced with them. One example is the company of 200 employees, which turned into a company of 800 employees in just a few years. Staff members first enthusiastically go along with the growth path but eventually come to feel overwhelmed and drained. Though the management should be celebrating amazing accomplishments, it is frustrated about internal procedures and inadequacies, resulting in a lack of profit despite all that growth.

What’s happened? Processes within the company and staff development are lagging behind corporate success while the degree of organization is not growing fast enough in tandem with the company, nor with profitability. All across the company, waste and inefficiency are multiplying, while growth is turning development into a liability.

Perceived success is becoming a growth trap. The time is ripe to finally handle the issue of growth. Our team at IMIG identifies problem areas, improves processes and develops organization along with the necessary systems and aids in order to professionalize growth. We tidy up in the truest sense of the word, allowing you to spur the next level of growth.

Interested in more detailed information about the topic of “promoting growth, handling growth”? Feel free to get in touch with us.

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